Welcoming Spring !!
...Spring is when life is alive in everything. ~Christtina Rossetti~ Spring marks rebirth, regrowth and rejuvenation.It denotes a new start, gives a new life to Mother Nature. It is one of the four seasons that marks an end of winter. All the trees have started budding. Day length is increasing as the season progresses. Mushrooms have popped out. Grasses are becoming green. New sprouts have started emerging out from the ground. And I can't wait to enjoy the beautiful spring blossoms in my own front and back yard and near by areas. Few signal of Mother Nature for the onset of Spring, I have clicked through my lens although much of it can only be experienced through inner eye. Turkey's Tail Fungus or Turkey's Tail Mushroom are one of the mushrooms that actually resembles Turkey's Tail as its name denotes. One can easily differentiate it from other bracket mushrooms those are also very closely related species by seeing at th...